For authors

Requirements for submissions

The length of articles should not exceed 7500 words (reference section included). Images, including music examples, should be at least 360 dpi in size and their exact positioning should be indicated in the manuscript. Authors must assure that they own all rights to the content (text, image, audio) of their articles. Without this assurance, an article cannot be published.

Please understand that we have to reject texts that do not sufficiently meet the preceding and following requirements. A corresponding revision of the texts is very time-consuming and cannot be provided by the editors.


For a beautiful result and smooth processes, please observe the following rules.


Please use straight apostrophes (') instead of typographical ones (’).

Omissions in quotations

All omissions must be indicated by an ellipsis in square brackets [...]. Omissions already present in the quoted text must be indicated by an ellipsis without brackets ... .


Please use the following examples to build your reference section:


Name, first name / name, first name / name, first name (year). Title. Subtitle. Place: Publisher.

Articles in a book or periodical:

Name, first name (year). »Title. Subtitle.« In: Title of the book. Ed. by name, name and name. Place: Publisher, pp. pages.

Name, first name (year). »Title. Subtitle.« In: Title of periodical vol. (issue.), pp. pages.

Articles in encyclopedias are treated as articles in a book.

Music records:

Band/Interpreter (year). Title. Label record number [E.g.: WR 12345-7].

A song from an album or compilation:
Band/Interpreter (year). »Title.« On: Title [Album]. Label record number.


Please always provide the complete URL and the date of your last access. In case the website provides a date of the version, please add in brackets (version of …).

DOIs are treated like websites but the date is not necessary.

Example: Hähnel, Tilo / Marx, Tobias / Pfleiderer, Martin (2014). »Methoden zur Analyse der vokalen Gestaltung populärer Musik.« In: Samples 12, (Version of 5 February 2014, accessed: 25 February 2016).


SAMPLES uses footnotes for further information, not endnotes. Please limit footnotes to a minimum. Exception: reviews (see citation).


Please use em-dash (—) without spacing.

Gender neutral language

Please make sure you use gender neutral language throughout your paper.


Please use italics to highlight words or phrases. Do not use bold types.

Mentioning people

Cite all names with their first the first time they are mentioned in the text. Subsequently, only refer to surnames. In the bibliography please always give first names.


Please do not do (automatic) hyphenation! It will be done by us in the final layout.

Mentioning books, songs, films etc.

The following applies to the spelling of titles in the running text and in the reference section: book titles, titles of journals, titles of albums and titles of films are always set in italics.

Essays, titles of individual pieces of music, as well as videos, are placed in double quotation marks.


Divide headings into a maximum of three levels and set them without a blank line to the body of the text.


Quoted text up to approx. 50 words in double guillemets (»«), under no circumstances use straight quotation marks ("). This applies equally to the use of single quotation marks (' '). Expose quotations of more than 50 words, i.e. set them off from the body of the text. Place passages quoted in the quotation in single quotation marks(›‹).


Sources should be cited in brackets with a short reference in the body text [e.g. (Author 2021: 34)].

Exception: Reviews. In this case, only the reviewed publication, including the number of pages and the price, should be given at the end of the text. Literature consulted should be cited in full in footnotes.