SAMPLES <p><strong>SAMPLES</strong> ist das Open-Access-Journal der Gesellschaft für Popularmusikforschung e.V. (GfPM). Das Lesen und Veröffentlichen sind kostenlos und frei von Werbeanzeigen.</p> <p>Bei <strong>SAMPLES </strong>steht im Vordergrund, die Bandbreite der Popularmusikforschung in deutschen und englischen Texten abzubilden. Das Journal wird aktuell von Katharina Alexi, Eva Krisper und Eva Schuck herausgegeben.</p> <p>Seit mittlerweile 20 Jahren veröffentlichen wir bei <strong>SAMPLES</strong> wissenschaftliche Aufsätze, inzwischen im anonymisierten Peer-Review-Verfahren. Außerdem erscheinen jährlich Rezensionen zu aktuellen Veröffentlichungen sowie der jeweils mit dem Early Career Best Paper Award ausgezeichnete Text. Dazu bieten wir eine Übersicht mit (inter)nationalen Neuerscheinungen zur Popularmusikforschung.</p> Gesellschaft für Popularmusikforschung (GfPM), ISSN 1216-8001 de-DE SAMPLES Überwältigende Gestaltverläufe: Build-Up & Drop sowie geschichtete Synthesizer-Patterns in Psytrance DJ-Sets <p>This paper explores the embodied experience of listening to build-up &amp; drop and layered synthesizer patterns in DJ sets of electronic dance music (EDM). The analysis draws on phenomenologist philosopher Hermann Schmitz's work and his conception of the »corporeal dynamic of tension and swelling«. I rely on Gestalt Theory to differentiate between the ›simple Gestalt‹ of build-ups &amp; drops prevalent in EDM pop and the ›complex Gestalt‹ of layered synthesizer patterns often implemented in psytrance (short for psychedelic trance). Furthermore, I illustrate how these Gestalt enable distinct overwhelming aesthetic experiences and experiences of collectivity by exploring the dynamics of tension and swelling. With my analysis of a psytrance DJ set, I argue that both simple and complex Gestalt significantly determine the creation of a DJ set as well as its reception by the crowd on the dancefloor. They provide scope for examining diverse aesthetic strategies pertaining to different genres and they constitute a vital component of a (yet-to-be-developed) methodology for analysing EDM DJ sets.</p> Lorenz Gilli Copyright (c) 2023 SAMPLES 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 21 A Rapping Witness, Stumbling Stones and Jewish History: Musical Remediations of Memories from the Times of National Socialism <p>As primary witnesses of the Holocaust fade away, contemporary memory culture grapples with challenges in how the younger generation can remember the era of National Socialism. In the post-witness era (Popescu &amp; Schult 2015), this article explores how hip-hop can serve as a medium for remembrance. Building upon the theoretical framework of remediation proposed by Bolter and Grusin (1999) and subsequently adapted by cultural memory studies scholar Astrid Erll (2017), this article examines three hip-hop songs as case studies to investigate the processes of remediation within hip-hop music: firstly, »Identität« (Identity) by the Jewish rapper Ben Salomo (2016), currently based in Berlin; secondly, »Stolpersteine« (Stumbling Stones) by the German rapper Marco Helbig, also known as »Reimteufel« (Rhyme Devil) (2012); and thirdly, »Edek,« written and produced by Kevin Pollard, featuring the rapper Kapoo and the Polish Holocaust witness Janine Webber (2018). Combining music analysis, semi-structured interviews, and discourse analysis, the article analyzes how physical materials like buildings and memorials, different kinds of music and silence, as well as the act of witnessing are remediated within the songs. By introducing these four types of remediation, the article aims to advance the syntheses between musicology and cultural memory studies, emphasizing that the concept of remediation can encompass musical, and thus audible, aspects.</p> Thomas Sebastian Köhn Copyright (c) 2023 SAMPLES 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 21 Spotify vs. Bandcamp. Die Plattformisierung von Musikkulturen. <p><span class="--l --r sentence_highlight">This paper examines the dynamics of »platformization« in the realm of online music distribution at the intersection of sound and technology culture through the examples of Spotify and Bandcamp. </span><span class="--l --r sentence_highlight">From an interdisciplinary perspective, various mechanisms and actors involved in the specific platform networks are described, put in relation to each other and compared. </span><span class="--l --r sentence_highlight">Furthermore, reference is made to theoretical discussions outside the field of music culture and the current development of this field is highlighted as a paradigmatic example of tendencies in digital cultures in general.</span></p> David Regner Copyright (c) 2023 SAMPLES 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 21 Ausgewählte Neuerscheinungen 2023 <p>Ausgewählte Neuerscheinungen 2023 – Zusammengestellt von Lukas Proyer</p> Lukas Proyer Copyright (c) 2023 SAMPLES 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 21 Dagmar Abfalter und Rosa Reitsamer (Hg.) (2022) »Music as Labour – Inequalities and Activism in the Past and Present.« <p>Manuel Troike – Rezension zu Dagmar Abfalter und Rosa Reitsamer (Hg.) (2022) »Music as Labour – Inequalities and Activism in the Past and Present.«</p> Manuel Troike Copyright (c) 2023 SAMPLES 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 21 Jan-Peter Herbst (Hg.) (2023). »The Cambridge Companion to Metal Music.« <p>Elena Bös – Rezension von Jan-Peter Herbst (Hg.) (2023). »The Cambridge Companion to Metal Music.«</p> Elena Bös Copyright (c) 2023 SAMPLES 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 21 Chris Kattenbeck (2022). »Beats. Bauen. Lernen. Manifestation, Konstitution und Entwicklung künstlerischer Handlungsfähigkeit beim Beatmaking.« <p>Michael Ahlers – Rezension zu Chris Kattenbeck (2022). »Beats. Bauen. Lernen. Manifestation, Konstitution und Entwicklung künstlerischer Handlungsfähigkeit beim Beatmaking.«</p> Michael Ahlers Copyright (c) 2023 SAMPLES 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 21 Terri Thal (2023). »My Greenwich Village. Dave, Bob and Me.« <p>Richard Limbert – Rezension zu Terri Thal (2023). »My Greenwich Village. Dave, Bob and Me.«</p> Richard Limbert Copyright (c) 2023 SAMPLES 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 21