Mit Metal zu Mozart. Präferenzen für ›extreme‹ Musik in Hochkulturkontexten als Ausdruck musikalischer Toleranz
Dieser Text wurde mit dem GfPM-Förderpreis 2017 ausgezeichnet
Which realms of music are farther apart than those of ›extreme‹ music and ›classical‹ music? In addition to numerous musical, stylistic, and aesthetic differences, there is an obvious social difference: the diversity of the listeners and fans ascribed to these genres and their socio-demographic structure. A survey regarding audiences of classical as well as contemporary music in Dresden reveals that almost every fifth visitor has also preferences for heavy metal, hardcore, and punk music. This raises questions about the social structure of this particular audience and the social reach of extreme music. This article, based on empirical data from the audience survey and results from the General Population Survey for the Social Sciences (ALLBUS 2014)
provides answers. It shows that extreme music, especially metal, has gained social legitimacy and that the simultaneous preference for metal and classical music is an expression of cultural tolerance.