About the Journal

SAMPLES is the open access journal of the German Society for Popular Music Studies e.V. (GfPM). Reading and publishing are free of charge and free of advertisements.

SAMPLES was founded in 2002 by Dietrich Helms and Thomas Phleps as a publication platform of the GfPM and
over the past 20 years, we have been publishing academic papers, currently in a double-blind peer-review process. Furthermore, we publish annual reviews of current publications as well as the winning article of the Early Career Best Paper Award. In addition, we offer an overview of new (inter)national publications on popular music research.

SAMPLES presents the range of popular music research both in German and English articles. The journal is currently edited by Katharina Alexi, Eva Krisper, and Eva Schuck.

Editors of the volumes:

Volumes 1-2: Dietrich Helms and Thomas Phleps.
Volumes 3-10: Ralf von Appen, André Doehring, Dietrich Helms, and Thomas Phleps.
Volumes 11-15: Ralf von Appen, André Doehring, and Thomas Phleps.
Volume 16: Ralf von Appen, André Doehring, Eva Krisper, and Eva Schuck.
Volume 17-18: Eva Krisper and Eva Schuck.
Volume 19 and ongoing: Katharina Alexi, Eva Krisper, and Eva Schuck.