Geschichtsbilder von populärer Musik bei Musiklehrern verschiedener Schularten. Eine quantitative Studie
There is a lack of research in exploring music teachers’ views on the history of
popular music. In this study, qualitative (interviews) and quantitative methods
were mixed: six teachers were interviewed, 338 participants responded to a questionnaire. The main questions were: a) What historical images and ways of dealing with popular music are present in the consciousness of music teachers? b) Are there differences by school type, gender, age and type of musician? c) What impact has the university education and instrumental training on the teachers’ historical image of popular music and on their ways of dealing with it? It shows that popular music within the music studies at universities gains more importance. Nevertheless, the relevance of private studies predominates among young teachers as well as other influences (friends, media, own pupils). This article shows the significant differences between classical and jazz or pop-/rock-orientated music teachers as well as
coherences between school type, gender, age and historical images and ways of dealing (e.g. types of musicians, knowledge, using information sources, musical preferences).