»So einen Scheiß lade ich nicht auf meinen Laptop.« Auswertung einer Studie zum Umgang von Schülern mit rechtsradikaler Musik


  • Georg Brunner
  • René Gründer


This paper examines the reactions of pupils to the music of right-wing extremists. Having explored the music terminology, research was conducted in search for pupils' musical preferences. The core research question is; do relationships between music aesthetical and textual connectivity exist? Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected from a sample of two hundred and thirty pupils using online-questionnaires and sound examples. Group discussions were also conducted from three different schools. Test results showed that 5% of pupils listen to right-wing extremists music, and between 8,1% and 16,3% know about this music. Sound questionnaires using right-wing and non right-wing extremists music revealed that denial or acceptance of the music was not based on textual, but on aesthetical reasons. In group discussions pupils listened to several (in some cases right-wing extremist) songs without any further information; the first comments were made about musical parameters. The outcomes also showed that textual context plays a certain role on preferences in a second phase of reflection. Differences exist in descriptions conditioned by milieu and education. Most of the pupils in the »Haupt-« and »Realschule« prefer English spoken songs, the reason being that it »sounds better.« There is tendency of orienting this preference to the classroom situation. As regards political attitudes, pupils from Haupt-/Realschule saw influences of right-wing extremist music as depending on private experiences. Whilst the Gymnasium students saw influences as coming from media transferred opinions, Group
discussions also revealed denial of right-wing extremist music, followed by arguments of specific educational archetypes. Results of this study disagree with the common thesis that right-wing extremist music is a »starter drug« for an entry into the right-wing extremist scene.





